What Should I Share As My First Post On Instagram?

Oh my god! This is great that you are launching your business on Instagram! It would be a fantastic journey, so congratulations!

Now that you want to start your marketing on Instagram, you need to know how to introduce your business in your first post to increase people’s curiosity, make them follow you for a while, and observe your activities.

If you want to make a stellar impression and make Instagram users wish for more of your content, you are at the right place! Here in this article, we want to show Instagram newbies how to attract their first group of followers on Instagram and keep them.

Considering you are starting a new business or marketing on this popular application, you need to know that the first things you share on your account are vital.

But don’t be worried. After reading this article and learning all the tips that we mentioned for you, you can get inspired and start making content for your IG profile powerfully.

Let’s start to know what to share as an Instagram first post and get some ideas to introduce your business with your primary posts.

How to start posting on Instagram for the first time to introduce your business?

If you have chosen Instagram to start your online business with, you have taken a massive milestone for your online career. But as with other platforms, you need to have a pre-ready schedule for sharing content.

It would be best if you made plans beforehand about what you will share on your account to make more impressions even from the beginning.

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Now that you know how you can get help let’s see what can you share as your first Instagram post? What kind of content is better and gains more attention?

Let’s dive in.

The best ideas for Instagram’s first posts to introduce your business

In this part, you will get familiar with the most creative ideas for your Instagram first post and no longer wonder what to share as an intro to your Instagram business.

Let’s see these tips one by one and decide which of them is better for your profile.

1. Your business story

Every business has its unique story and something to learn. You can use the Instagram platform to tell your own tails and show people where you started and how you overcame the problems on your way.

Tell the followers how the idea of starting this business popped into your mind and what you did do to finally start a business career for yourself.

It can be shared in a post on Instagram as a single photo with a caption, a 1-minute video, or a reel. You can choose the type of content based on what you want to share, but remember to avoid giving too much information.

Don’t beat around the bush; tell your story briefly and to the point. This is how you can attract people and make them watch your content to the end.

2. Your own story as a businessman/woman

Your business career can interest others on social media, especially Instagram. You can share what you did do for yourself and how did you find the right way to get here and starting new characteristics for yourself.

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These stories can inspire others afraid to step into the online business world.

You can share these photos as your photo-base content:

  • A picture of yourself.
  • You in your work office or studio.
  • A photo of you next to your finished products.

3. Instagram Puzzle Grid

Instead of sharing the usual Instagram photo, create one that makes your audience stop and thinks. This pause increases your impression based on the Instagram algorithm and makes your post be seen by a broader range of IG users in the “explore” section.

4. A single or a series of photos with a clue (sneak peek)

You can post a picture of one part of your product in 9 posts. From different views, you can shoot your product and make it unrecognizable. Share it as a given clue and make people guess what your product is about?

5. Countdown

You can just right, “something amazing is going to happen here shortly!” and then set a countdown on your Instagram post!

This is also one of the other ways to start sharing your first post on Instagram and make users wonder, what is it about?

6. Riddles or games!

A little game would be fine. No matter how many people are busy and impatient, they always have time for riddles and games.

You need to be creative enough to invent an attractive game related to your business and the product you want to offer on Instagram. But it is worth it because it is a fantastic idea to share a game as your first post on Instagram and make people follow and participate.

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7. Your business Quote or Motto

All brands or businesses have a motto which can be an inspirational sentence. For example, Nike’s quote is: just do it.

You can first start with your brand’s motto and explain it. It is a very inspirational way and can attract people who are looking for meaning on Instagram.

So basically, you need to set the vibe for the way that you can introduce your business or brand on Instagram.

These are the ways you can share as an Instagram first post and make sure people will follow you, and you can expand your page faster.

We have reached the end of this article; we hope you enjoyed this article and use these tips to introduce your business.

To wrap it up

If you are seeking ideas and tips about what to share as an Instagram first post, we have added more than 6 tips in this paper. All businessmen or businesswomen must know these tips and have an excellent intro to your brand on this platform.

The best posts you can share as your Instagram first post can be about:

  1. Your business story
  2. Your own story as a businessman/woman
  3. Instagram Puzzle Grid
  4. A single or a series of photos with a clue (sneak peek)
  5. Countdown
  6. Riddles or games
  7. Your business Quote or Motto

We hope you can get your favorite one from the list and have a great start on your Instagram. The first Instagram post is essential; you must choose the content wisely.

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