What Is Instagram Story Engagement & How To Improve Instagram Interaction In A Practical Ways?

As everyone knows, technology has developed, and social media started to locate in people’s lives. One of these social media is Instagram that is more popular and famous among people.

So today everyone has an account on this platform and uses it. Some of the users are personal and use this app for entertainment, and some of them are business accounts that use for trading and branding.

Instagram app has many features such as story, post, and Reels. This article will explain the Instagram Story Importance and improvement of your account’s engagement rate and effects. So be with us up to the end.

What Is An Appropriate Engagement Rate For Instagram Stories?

We make social media profiles for a variety of reasons. We do it because we want to somehow engage and interact with our relatives, acquaintances, and fans. “Just watching” is a rare occurrence.

The interaction on your page can vary depending on how large your profile is and whether or not you’re a star. As seen by digital marketers, Instagram stories are an excellent means of communicating with your audience and encouraging participation on your account.

So, how can you know whether or not you’ve succeeded?

Here are some guidelines that may be of use to you:

  1. What is the best place to look up the statistics?

By upgrading the personal account to a professional profile, you’ll be able to examine the analytics for your stories two weeks after they’ve been published.

Here’s where you’ll find the information:

  • On your smartphone, open the Instagram app.
  • Click on the hamburger icon in the upper right corner of your page and open it.
  • Select Insights.
  • There are three possibilities for you: Contentactivity, and audience—select Content to view your stories.
  • Seeing the insights, go to the Stories segment and scroll down.

Another option is to open a story and swipe up to see personal statistics for every tale. You’ll be able to monitor how many responses, page visits, engagements, new followers, and other metrics this story generated.

  1. Is My Engagement in Good Standing?

As the marketing business expands, so does the number of statistics features to help you evaluate your social media performance.

  • Assisting us in determining what shows a positive audience engagement.

These technologies assist us in determining what shows a positive audience engagement by measuring the rate of employment on someone’s account, comparing the data, and contrasting what constitutes a good audience engagement.

In 2019, the typical Instagram interaction rate was 4.7 percent. This featured both posts and stories, and it was thought to be quite good. It’ll be 4.21 percent in 2020 (for the time being), but that’s still greater than other social networking sites.

The swipe-up button is one of the most significant measures for measuring and evaluating engagement.

The scroll is a type of call to action that sends followers to your homepage, where they can acquire clients.

  • Responses, in addition to scroll, are a key engagement metric for Instagram stories.

Based on particular published statistics, if you provide this choice and include a CTA, 15-20% of your followers will touch the screen of your article.

  • This is a fantastic Instagram engagement rate.

When you include answers, reactions, sticker clicks, question sticker responses, and other features, you’ll have a successful Instagram story with a high reach and engagement that will bring you more followers and conversions.

When analyzing Instagram stories, there are a few key factors every Instagram user should keep in mind.

First of all, lets to have two critical questions that every Instagram user should learn their answer:

  • Would you like to discover how effective and attractive your Instagram Stories are?
  • Are you unsure how to interpret Instagram Stories Information and insight?
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To continue, we will reveal the most critical Instagram story data that including:

  • What Content grabbed users’ attention?
  • Where interest may have waned.
  • Whether people do take movement and interact with your stories.

STEP 1: Check out just how many users have seen your Instagram story in its completion.

You may use the finish rate statistic to see how compelling your Instagram Stories are.

People who watch or click on each slideshow, such as photos or videos on your story, have a high completion percentage until they reach the end

This might assist you in finding out if you’re publishing too many stories or the wrong and unrelated type of stories for your intended audience.

Divide the number of individuals who saw your last Instagram story slide by the total number of people who saw the first slide to get this measure.

Indeed, we can say that dividing the last story reaching the initial slide, and multiplying it to 100 resulted in the completion rate.

For example, if the reaching of the last slide be 200 and the reaching of the initial slide be 400, the result will be 50%.

  • At the same time, upload the entire series.

Instead of sharing photos one by one to Instagram Stories during the day, create a collection from all the images in a series.

You may more readily assess the completion percentage and analyze how the series performed from start to finish by submitting them all together in one section.

Determine how many Instagram story sliders are appropriate for your topic and audience by conducting some research.

The higher the completion percentage, generally, the quicker the Content to consume.

To see what engages, try presenting 3–5 images as a story series. Remember that rather than dots at the top of the page, you want users to see long lines or dashes to indicate how much Content they should absorb.

STEP 2: Find out how many people abandon the Instagram Story after the first slide.

The opening story of your Instagram should capture the audience’s interest and encourage them to continue watching.

The fall rate after the first story will present to you how many followers abandoned your series after seeing the first slide.

To determine this statistic, deduct the reaching from the second slide from the number of users engaged on the first slide. Then divide the total by the first slide’s length.

Indeed by decreasing the reaching of the first slide from the second slide and dividing in the first slide reach, you can get the percentage of the falling rate of your stories.

For example, if your first Instagram story slide got 2000 views and your second slide had 1300 views, your story fall rate after the first slide would be 35%.

  • Create a Benchmark

To build a baseline for your profile, analyze the falling rate after you share the first Instagram story.

This baseline can allow you to improve how you tantalize or deliver Content in the future, as well as your retention levels.

STEP 3: Check out how many users abandon your Instagram story in the middle of it.


It would be best if you also tracked how many individuals checked out between the first and last slides of your Instagram story series.

This falling rate informs you of the number of individuals who left your Instagram story well before the conclusion.

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Take the number of followers you reached with your first slide and minus the number of people you came with last fall to get this statistic. Then multiply by the number of folks who made it to the first slide.

By the method mentioned above, if 3000 users viewed your first slide and the last slide was seen by 2000, now you should decrease 2000 from 3000 and then divide 3000 at the end multiply to 100, the result is 33%.

  • For keeping the viewers focused on your stories, try to use a Mixture of visual effects and text.

To hold your interest of the audience, combination up to your Instagram story content with clips and photographs.

To increase participation, include interactive text, emoticons, and polls within your story series.

You may also utilize the information you’ve acquired to determine the happy medium for how many panels your audience enjoys consuming.

STEP 4: Study how many users leave your story in the Instagram story stream.


Analyzing the number of users that left your Instagram story is necessary for you to understand how many followers saw it.

An exit is swiping down on the Instagram story roll or tapping the X in the top corner of the slide to quit the Stories feed.

Because these hard swipes/taps are a very useful activity for users, pay close attention to this measure.


However, it’s worth noting that this could symbolize that the individual had to leave Instagram for another purpose.

Exits from Instagram stories are unavoidable, but by analyzing your Instagram story collection, you may begin to see which stories had a higher-than-average amount of exits.

Is there anything you can take away from it? In the future, you might be able to take a differentiation tactic.

  • Divide the total of exits on a slide by the number of impressions to arrive at this measure.

So if you have 4000 impressions and 500 exits, your exit percentage is 12.5 %.

It means that you should divide the number of exits by the number of impressions and multiply by 100.

  • Determine which Content attracts users and which Content repels them.

Your Instagram story series’ beginning and end slides may be where you detect your exits. Maybe you could make a few changes to your initial slide to persuade viewers to stay longer.

Examine your exits to increase your Content, appearance, and interaction with all Instagram features in the story, such as question and poll stickers, animated video or text, and other features.

Is there a call to action (CTA) on your last slide? You should know that the CTA part is the most important in engagement rate.

People may have gone and left the story because they were not eager to take action. So, instead of placing your CTAs at the end of your story series, you may try putting them in the center.

Examine your departure percentages to discover if you had a call to action (CTA), too much content on the slide, or other graphics that put consumers off.

STEP 5: Consider that how many users interacted with your Instagram story.

Sharing, reactions, profile views, website traffic, sticker touches (hashtag, location, @mention, and product), and link clicks are all activities users make when interacting with your story on Instagram Stories (swipe-ups).

You’ll be able to use the Swipe-Up functionality for links if you have an Instagram business profile with over 10,000 followers.

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Monitoring your Instagram Stories audience engagement is critical for growing an engaging experience on the site.

Polls, concerns, and encouraging your fans to express their thoughts or queries with you should all be sprinkled through your presentations.

Divide the amount of interaction you obtained by the total number of impressions to get your engagement levels.

By the giving data, if your impressions are 3000 and your interactions are 100, the engagement percentage is 3%.

The number of interactions divides into the number of impressions and then multiplied to 100 is the result of your interactions.

  • Look for one-of-a-kind features that contributed to increased engagement.

In an Instagram story series, keep in mind that impressions and interactions will change from slide to slide.

That’s why it’s crucial to see anything special on that slide that could have increased interaction, such as engaging icons, a clip, or a text underlay on the decline.

To focus on developing future Content, figure out what factors may have contributed to a higher or lower user engagement on a slide.

STEP 6: Check and understand that how frequently your Instagram story is tapped back and forth.

The amount of times viewers swiped back to repeat the preceding photo or video in your Instagram story is referred to as taps back.

Consider a tap back to repeat your slide, increasing the overall number of impressions on your story.

Although there are several causes why a user could do this, it usually signifies your slide contained critical info that warranted a second glance.

This statistic identifies persistent, high-quality Content.

The amount of taps required to see the following photo or video in your Instagram story is referred to as taps forward.

Taps forward may make logical sense if you have a succession of back-to-back photographs or unique paddle content (i.e., stop motion frames or “tap to reveal” Content); nevertheless, a high number of taps forward in your tale could indicate that your slides aren’t very engaging.

Make a list of content ideas that will keep your audience’s attention. If you have too many videos or photos on a single slide, add a quiz, poll, or text to encourage people to interact.

Divide the number of taps back you got by the number of impressions to get your taps back rate. You’ll follow the same procedure to determine your taps forward rate.

Assume you get 5000 impressions and 500 taps in return. The return rate on your taps would be 10%.

Identify the factors that influence user behavior. Return to the previous screen and repeat the process.


When comparing the two measurements, it’s preferable to have a greater taps back rate than a more excellent taps forward rate.

Please notice what causes viewers to tap back on Content because it’s a great indication of what’s working and can allow you to make future Instagram story material that your audience will enjoy.

To sum up

Some of the essential Instagram story statistics can assist you in understanding better how your audience interacts with your Content and allow you to make more engaging content in the future.

If studying all of the touchpoints at once makes you feel confused, concentrate on one at a time until you figure out what works best for your content distribution and audience.

To calculate the appropriate amount of slides, you may start with the Instagram story completion percentage.

Alternatively, you may look at your reach and Instagram engagement rate by counting how many responses you get after each tale

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